Post by DavidPost by Christine yea.. i would like a copy too, thks!
the whole world would like it about now.
Sheesh. I've had my code running nicely. Really
all it is is to use diff on the price series. When the
result is negative, the market went down. When it
is positive, the market went up. So far it has been
a perfect predictor on all of my training data. WTP?
Ok, ok, I know that some of you are asking how
to use this to make money on the market? The
fact is, I expect to see a nearly 50% success rate
when used for future predictions. This is far better
than the advice I've gotten from my broker, and
approaches the accuracy that I get when I ask a
chimpanzee for market advice.
For more details on my techniques, send money.
Small, unmarked bills are preferred.